© Storyboards by Barton Bund

a film by barton bund
a storybook comes to life
"It is a time of miracles and magic.
We are children of the age."
SCHPLITZDORF is fairy tale comedy for grownups and children alike.
Suzanne and Jakitch (YOCK-itch) live in a giant boot with their enormous family of 24 kids. Welcome to Schplitzdorf, where everyone splits everything. And everyone has everything they need. It is a place beyond your imagination. And a film unlike any other.
Experience the romance and the joy of this magical place. And terrible fear, as war draws near, threatening to destroy their happy village. Follow this amazing family on their hilarious, heartbreaking journey.
BARTON BUND (Writer/Director):
"It all began in my kitchen. My Dad bought two dozen eggs from Costco, and as a surprise, he offered to split them with me. In our family, we split things. I had absolutely nowhere to put them, and the splitting process became quite comical. We had just produced and released a whole documentary series together, but the task of splitting these eggs became incredibly difficult.
"If we each split off a little for each other, we all have more. I imagined a joke or a folk tale about a man named Jakitch, in a little village. I told the stories around the holidays. One day Jakitch's wife Suzanne sends him out for eggs. He splits the eggs, and a friend splits some bread with him, and so on, until everybody is splitting everything. Jakitch comes home with cheese, and wine, and a proper feast.
"Then came the image of a giant boot! I couldn't get it out of my mind. I wanted to return to this joyful place again and again. It's a fantasy, yet it also became something quite personal. It's a celebration of parents and children. How we learn from each other. These characters emerged from our own times, our own world. They are the stuff of fairy tales and fables, yes. But their situation becomes more and more real as time goes on. They become a reflection of ourselves. Suzanne and Jakitch, and their wonderful children, they are a celebration of us. The film dares to be optimistic. We celebrate the good in people."
Support the Village Fund
Catalytic Art & Media is a 501 (c)-3 nonprofit organization. Engaging the community through media and education.
Gifts of $1 to $1000
SPLIT A LOT: $1000 to $10,000
Company Sponsorships Available.